20+ Cats Whose Owners Know They Are Weird, but They Love Them Anyway
When we get a cat, we expect it to be purring happily and sleeping on our laps, and some of them actually do this. But there are other cats whose “normal settings” are broken and the owners of these cats are going to see a lot of surprises: they might be fans of swimming in bathtubs or jumping around the house like kangaroos. We at Bright Side think that if you are going to get a cat, it’s better to get an unusual one like the guys from this article. “Let me put my full weight against the back of your head and neck. I only weigh 16 lbs, you’ll be fine.” © lulutheempress / reddit “He yawned. It’s not for the faint-hearted.” © Elizajaynez / reddit “Could not open file Cat.exe” © MsNikky / reddit He found the coziest place at home. © PsychoSyren / reddit “She yells until I let her join me...